Milan 1-8 September: documentary-photographic exhibition

The exhibition "Psychiatry and Human Rights: past, present and possible future" returns to Milan for the eleventh time. The exhibition covers the history of psychiatry from its dawn, through the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps, the failed reform of the 1970s, up to the new sociotherapeutic trends of the present day.

The underlying theme of the exhibition is respect for human rights in the mental health sector.

Events and news

Compared to past editions, this exhibition is enriched with a section dedicated to modern trends dictated by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the WHO for mental health that renounces prolonged coercion and sedation to adopt a sociotherapeutic perspective based on respect of human rights.

Not to be missed, within the exhibition, is the new photographic exhibition in 15 totems depicting the situation in Italian mental asylums in the 90s and some important cultural events, including the presentation of books and films in the presence of their respective authors.

Where and when?

Palazzo dei Giureconsulti, Piazza dei Mercanti 2, Milan
1 - 8 September 2024
See on the map
Open every day from 10:00 to 19:00
Structured access for disabled people and those with reduced mobility

Organizing institution


Locandina mostra

2 September at 5.30pm
Inaugurazione mostra 

from the
Documentary-Photographic Exhibition
Psychiatry and Human Rights: past, present and possible future 

The situation of Italian mental asylums in the early 1990s, almost 15 years after the official closure of mental asylums desired with the Basaglia law

3 September at 5.30pm
Copertina libro 

of the book
of the book
by Roberto Cestari
Historical recovery of photographs of Italian mental asylums in the early 1990s, still open almost a decade after the Basaglia law.

5 September at 4.30pm
locandina documentario

with director Mirko Capozzoli  
of the documentary
Make history without me.

Based on the book of the same name, it tells the incredible story of Albertino who, from the orphanage to the mental hospital, from armed struggle to television, travels as a protagonist through thirty years of Italian history.

6 September at 5.30pm

of the book
What mental illness is not. The drifts of the Italian institutional psychiatric system
by Catterina Verona
A book in which the author reveals the dark sides of today's Italian psychiatric system to shake consciences.

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